Planning a meaningful and heartfelt farewell can indeed be a challenging task during such an emotional time. I hope that we can work together to create a beautiful ceremony that memorialises a life lived, and provides family and friends with the opportunity to reflect and remember.
You may wish for a more traditional funeral or memorial service, including religious or spiritual references such as hymns or readings. Alternatively, you may prefer a ceremony free of any religious elements, bringing together your own unique ideas to create something truly heartfelt. Whatever your preference, I will be guided by your wishes and craft a fitting ceremony to honour the life of the person who has died.
You might already know what music, poems, or readings the person who has died enjoyed and would want included. However, it's also common to feel uncertain about their preferences, especially during such an overwhelming time. Together, we can explore various options to create a special tribute that honours their unique self and the legacy they leave behind.
I will arrange to meet with you face to face so that you can share the life story of your loved one with me and we can discuss your wishes, so that together we can create a ceremony that is special, feels right and accurately reflects the life they led. The music, readings and tone of the funeral itself are all guided by your preferences and ideas. If for any reason we are unable to meet face to face, then this can be done by zoom, email or telephone.
You may wish for family and friends to participate in the service by reading poems or tributes and I welcome this. This can be a wonderful opportunity to say goodbye in a way that resonates with themselves and all those present.
Whatever your preferences, I will respect your wishes and provide full support to ensure the ceremony has meaning and purpose.
Please do check out the testimonials on this website so you can see the feedback that I have received from families.